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19 Mar 2014
PSE-Check is released with added value features.
15 Oct 2013
DPP (Digital Production Partnership) adds PSE-Check and Reel-Check to list of approved devices
for PSE (Harding flash) testing in the UK.
27 Sept 2012
Best of IBC 2012 Award for Cel-Soft's Pixel-Probe by TVB Europe magazine in the catagory for 
Production and Infrastructure. see here..
9 Sept 2012
Cel-Soft launches Broad-server PC at IBC 2012, Many praiseworthy comments received.
Press stories here...
14 July 2012
More new features added to the Cel-Scope3D steteoscopic analyser software suite v1.402
keeping a eye on your image quality
In the press....
Broad-server PCin Broadcast Engineering